Pay your tuition and fees securely and conveniently online!

Check out the calendar and handbook.

Note: The directory is password-protected, and the password will be located in the newsletter, or you can call the office. (210)822-7671



Volunteer Opportunities

  • Fall Fest and Kids Fest

    Fall Fest is our largest parent run fundraiser. With this fundraiser we are able to focus on school property improvements, curriculum, and teacher retention.

    Kids Fest is our annual Spring carnival. It allows the school to continue improving our property, curriculum, and contributes to the continuing education of our wonderful staff.

    If you are interested in joining in the fun and fellowship of planning our Fall Fest or Kids Fest, please contact the office @

    We will update you with specific opportunities, so check back!

  • Classroom Volunteers

    Check in during the school year for posted opportunities to help serve in the classrooms. We will post volunteer opportunities to help facilitate activities, read, help at events and much more.

  • Room Parents

    Are you ready to jump in and support our teachers and the classrooms this year? Sign up to be a room parent. You will help organize events for your child’s class, support the teachers in sharing information, and so much more. This is a fun and hands on way to help and support our school and your child’s class.